Wednesday, December 11, 2013


SO excited to share my smoothie recipe ebook "SmoothieLuscious" includes a ton of vegan smoothie recipes + daily inspiration and more! Get your copy today Link is here >> Smoothie Luscious

A TON OF NEW recipes has been added to the new website find here >>Beahealthnuttoo

Thanks everyone for your support I truly appreciate each of you!

Hugs& Happy Health
LaShana Nicole


  1. I've tried so many of your smoothies and I'm in love with the creativity and of course how pretty they turn out lol. Keep the smoothies coming and also the healthy sweets….I’m such a sweetie eater and I’d rather pump my body up with some of these healthy YET yummy sweet treats that you have. BTW I tried your raw strawberry cheesecake and ummm ummm good is all I could say. I couldn’t believe how naturally sweet it was. THANKS for encouraging healthy living 

    1. Thank you sooooo much :-) I truly appreciate your sweet words and support!
